Operation Q
on December 28, 2022
Michael LaVaughan Robinson Registered With Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners As Male
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Proof in official government fillings have surfaced proving that Michael registered to vote as a male with the Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners. Michael's official Illinois voter registration card from 1994 indicated that he signed up as a male ("M" selected under sex) and after 14 years of voting as a male, Michael changed his sex status on July 14, 2008 from male to female as the Democrats elected Obama to run for the presidency.
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🔍"Michael LaVaughn Robinson: Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama"
💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/michael-lavaughn-robinson-deep-state-satanic-nwo-tranny-also-known-as-michelle-obama
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