Operation Q
on May 4, 2022
Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) Is Alive: Middle Aged Headshot vs. Young Aged Headshot
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The following photo is a highly publicized photo of John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. and Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy observed in various mainstream publications. Directly to the right behind Carolyn the gentlemen is believed to be the middle aged brother of JFK Jr. known as Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) consequently proving he did not die at birth.
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🔍"The Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Minority Bloodline: The Jesus Strand"
💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-lincoln-kahlooni-druze-minority-bloodline-the-jesus-strand
💊 https://link-tube.com/OperationQ
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