James L Vaughan author
on June 22, 2022
Every modern reiteration of the Arthurian cycle I have read seems to be boring girl stuff. You know what I mean, a mushy romance novel set in the middle or dark ages, with a little bit of magic, just to remind us it is supposed to be about King Arthur. The reviewers give those who set their stories at the end of the Roman era special points. NO SHIT, SHERLOCK! And the dark ages, being brutal times, is a perfect setting for the feminist author to highlight how evil men are.
Such cannot describe the tome I am working on, "the Kingdom of Camelot." Taking things from every incarnation of the Arthurian cycle, I set it all in the complicated setting of ancient Britannia, at the end of the Roman era. The legions are gone, but much of Rome remains. Some kingdoms have revived their old customs, others prefer the new ways. Most combine both. Many of the classic characters, knights and witches alike, appear in this gritty political fantasy, where lines are blurred, and ambition can get you a kingdom, or make you king of the grave.
Categories: Literature
Dimension: 230 x 228
File Size: 42.46 Kb
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